Business Model Tools & Resources

Social Venture Business Model Canvases
Social Lean Canvas/Impact Canvas
Social Lean Canvas/Impact Canvas-(revised model)
Customer Validation, Product Development
Customer Validation AND Product Development (4 steps to the Epipheny-Steve Blank)
Cash Flow Tools
Lean Business Model Canvases
Lean Canvas-Downloadable
Modèle Lean Canvas
Lean Canvas-How to create your canvas!
Why Lean Startup Changes Everything-Steve Blank
Steve Blank Blog & Start Up Tools
Business Plans
Innovation Tools & Inspirational Resources

Unlocking Collective Genius for Innovation & Creativity- TedTalk, Cambridge, Linda Hill
Your Elusive Creative Genius- TedTalk, Cambridge, Elizabeth Gilbert
Social Venture and Social Innovation
NouVENTURE, Social Venture PDC
NouLAB, Social Innovation Lab-PDC
Social Enterprise Institute
NouLAB Playbook
Understanding Problems, Seeing Opportunity
Understanding a Wicked Problem-Making Toast TedTalk, Berkley, Tom Wujec
The First Secret of Design is Noticing (for Innovation & Entrepreneurship)-TedTalk by Tony Fadell